Our networking and capacity building with investors and banks
A dedicated community of practice, the Clean Energy Financing Pakistan Task Force (CEFP-TF), was set up in July 2022 with an initial membership base of 40 people to establish a collaboration interphase with investors and banks. It operates as a learning and knowledge platform that brings together professionals from banks, investment and financial institutions (FIs) in general who are working on clean energy financing solutions and instruments in Pakistan and want to get better at what they do. It aims to identify challenges and opportunities facing FIs in the Pakistan clean energy financing markets and resolve/exploit them through a hands-on approach that will promote and accelerate change and better equip institutions to take advantage of such opportunities and serve clean energy projects and businesses better.
The members meet on monthly basis in person or virtually to discuss the latest advances, challenges or new data. In addition, a collaboration group was set up on LinkedIn to enable informal exchanges among members.
Interested to join our climate finance community?
Get in touch with us ppse@pfan.net